I am an new enthusiastic freelancer, can work under pressure. I want to grow myself in good rather than others within a very short time by my passionate works. I always try to do innovation new things. My aim is to exceed client expectations & ensure their 100% satisfaction. Looking forward to working with my clients to reach their business goals.
* Data Entry Skill:-
Extensive experience and knowledge of MS Word, Excel and other specialist data entry software.
Having a tying speed over 60 wpm.
Inputting both test data and also numerical data.
Interpreting complex information.
Fully aware of data confidentiality issues.
Handling all confidential information in a professional manner.
Knowledge of specialist data entry software and automated systems.
Strong commitment to performing and producing at the highest level.
* Adobe Photo shop,
* Adobe Illustrator.
Thank you.
English Proficiency Test - Beginner
Completed in 9 min 41 sec
Data Entry
Completed in 10 min 18 sec