Viewing Quotes

You will start to receive quotes within a few minutes of your job being posted. Most jobs are published immediately.

Every 24 hours you will receive an email listing profile links of gurus who have applied to your job.

Checking quotes manually:

  1. Log into the site.
  2. Find your job under the “Find Work” tile on the Navbar.
  3. Click on the job title to view your quotes.

Filtering quotes:

  1. Log into the site.
  2. Find your job under the “Quotes” tile on the dashboard.
  3. Click on the job title to view your quotes.
  4. Select from the various filters on the left sidebar.

Understanding the anatomy of a quote:

  • The guru’s name and profile icon are displayed at the top right of their quote.
  • The estimated cost will tell you what they expect the job to cost. They can also add a “placeholder” if they are unsure.
  • You can rate each quote for easier sorting using the “My Rating” tool.
  • Click the “Reply” button to send a particular guru a private message.
  • The keywords listed underneath the guru’s name will tell you if key words from their profile match your job.
  • Make sure to click the down arrow button to expand a quote. Only the first line of each quote is displayed by default.
  • Click the guru’s name to see their profile.
  • Click the blue “Hire” button to hire a guru.
  • You can hire more than one guru.
  • Click “Delete” to permanently delete the quote from your list.
  • Premium quotes are listed at the top and have a blue diamond icon. Premium quotes cost gurus extra bids and mean they think they’re a great fit for the job.